I am very proud to share with you all the significant progress that ASP and many of our customers are making in the way of environmental responsibility. As you will read in this edition of our quarterly newsletter, we have gained true inspiration and guidance from our partners at AgProvisions, LLC as they continue to demonstrate best-practices for waste reduction and waste recycling.

Also in this edition, we share insight into a bitter-sweet turn of events occurring here at ASP. Yuxin Shao, our Chinese/Asian Interpretive Marketing Assistant, departs from our Nacgodoches family to help advance our international operations by assuming the role as Sales & Marketing Representative China. Yuxin will office out of Shanghai, China starting April 16, 2012. Though she will be sorely missed by everyone in Texas, we all applaud this new opportunity for both her and ASP.

Lastly, I ask that you please take a few moments to look through our new Quarterly Newsletter format, as well as our newly designed website. Your comments, opinions and suggestions on where we can continue to improve are most welcome.

Thank you,

Bailey Reynolds

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