Richard-Xia-and-Dr-Jiang-Zhang-at-the-USDAWashington, D.C., September 2011. Chinese scientists and researchers from U.S. institutions recently furthered their collaboration on food safety initiatives. The research teams, coordinated by Balantek Biotechnology Company’s Shanghai operations and Texas-based Animal Science Products, focused on strategic tools and systems to improve food safety by increasing poultry vaccine stability and reducing disease risk. Multinational team leaders included Dr. Jiang Zhang, Vice Director, Shanghai College of Forestry and Agriculture, Dr. Vergil L. Davis of Lasher Associates in Millsboro, DE, and Dr. Scott L. Branton of the UDSA-ARS Poultry Research Unit. In all, 10 delegates from 5 organizations participated in the scientific congress, which spanned 21 days and included conferences on clinical bird health issues held at USDA labs as well as vaccine research studies conducted in the Lasher Laboratory. The meetings concluded with a continued commitment for a second phase of cooperative research in China to further pursue both viral and bacterial vaccine stabilizing technologies.

From Beijing, meeting co-sponsor and ASP President Bailey Reynolds expressed his appreciation, saying “The Chinese government has an expansive focus to produce high-quality, safe food for its population. Balantek Biotechnology Company and ASP are in the food safety business, and we are proud partners in support of this focus. Our joint goal is to assist poultry producers and leading integrated food companies in adopting critical food-safety strategies to stabilize vaccines for optimum poultry health.”


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